10 instagram account to follow

With an infinite number of Instagram users, it is often difficult to find people to follow. Between false accounts and public figures, we can quickly feel like we are in a false life. But with a lot of research, I found some accounts that I am personally follow on instagram and which looks like what I consider real life.

Disclaimer : I’m french, from Comoros islands and based in Strasbourg. My goal is to learn English while practicing my passion which is blogging. If you see any mistakes, please correct me so i can improve my English level. Thank you.

Toasted table

What i really like about this instagram account is the fact that toasts are made in different ways but with the same base : bread and avocado.

This inspires me enormously when I want to do some good things but with fairly simple ingredients, while keeping the avocado toast side. With this account you can find different types of toast. Whether they are sweet, salty and even sour. But we always find our favorite ingredient, which is avocado.

So if you’re a fan of toast and avocado, take a look at it !


What I like about this account, is the fact that it has a very pink atmosphere, which is my favorite color. Of course I love quotes, but with these little illustrations, it’s just beautiful. It gives a more artistic and charming side. Between love story, disappointment, Shreya tells everything we feel.

The Storyteller Co.

Nancy elle

Nancy is one of the few Instagramers/Youtubers I find exceptional. She is not known, and yet the talent is there. Her pictures are perfect, pure and soft. She manages to capture these warm colors which we find in nature and transcribes them in painting.

Mario Figueredo

The pictures he takes are just beautiful. What I like most is the tone of his feed which is clear, clean and minimalist. I especially like his approach to architecture.

Nina Montagne

She posts some of the food she eats. But what I love most about it is the pretty sweet life she has. Adept of natural products and its benefits, she takes us in her adventure.


The Lined Up

Among the accounts to follow, there must be a fashion account. Well, I advise you that one. What I like about Julia is the fact that she is a bit like me. Small. But she still manages to combine pieces to make beautiful outfits. I also like the cool side she brings to Instagram in the fashion field. She doesn’t follow the « Parisian girl » side that everyone tries to appropriate.


Her pictures are just beautiful! She has the gift of being able to pose in front of landscapes without being naked or sexualized, while highlighting the landscapes and places she visits. Her Instagram account is a postcard.


And yes I can’t advise you some accounts without advising you mine. If you like recipes and the pink color then welcome!

And me what instagram account should i follow ?

Auteur : inapinkmood

Etudiante en communication à Strasbourg, originaire de l’archipel des Comores, j’ai créé ce blog pour y partager mes petits coups de cœur, mes coups de mou, mais surtout ce qui m’inspire. Suivez-moi, pour plus d’épisodes !

7 réflexions sur « 10 instagram account to follow »

    1. Mince, je vais essayer de voir comment je peux régler ce problème.
      Merci beaucoup pour la critique sur mon niveau d’anglais. Je me demandais vraiment si ça sonne juste. Surtout pour les lecteurs.
      En tout cas si tu arrives à lire et surtout apprécier l’article, alors j’ai rempli mon contrat.
      Des bisous !

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